Academic writing is a kind of writing which is written for academic purposes, in which this writing has to follow the rules in accordance to the agreement. Academic writing has some characteristics…
The research is conducted to find out 2 major goals. The first is the daily English idiom used by the tenth grade students at SMAN 1 sooko, Mojokerto and the second goal from this research is going…
The present study attempts to investigate the use of Islamic reading materials in improving the students of Mts Raudhotul Ulum in English reading mastery. How does the teacher implement Islamic mat…
This research is aimed at describing the teaching strategies in teaching transactional writing using invitation cards, to identify the obstacles in teaching transactional writing using invitation c…
This study is conducted on error analysis of pronunciation of silent letters in English words made by the tenth grade students at SMAN 1 Wonoayu, Sidoarjo. The focus of this research is to know the…
The research is conducted to find out three major goals. The first is the students’ VAK learning style. It examines 30 students of the seventh grade of MTsN Munjungan as the sample. The second g…
In the early age, there is discrimination which puts female at a disadvantage in every development aspect including in obtaining education. Therefore, it makes female lack and leave behind in every…
In English there are four skills that should be mastered. They are: listening, speaking, reading and writing. From such skills, reading skill is considered very important in the education field. Tr…
The importance of learning English speaking has a big role in the mastery of a language. That is why many teachers have used various strategy and media in the learning process. This study uses Engl…