User education at STAIN [State Islamic College] Ponorogo, known as learning of PIBP [Penelusuran Informasi Bahan Pustaka] or the search of information and references materials, is a purposive effor…
Salah satu problem kontemporer yang tengah dihadapi oleh umat Islam adalah keterbelakangan mereka dalam pengembangan sains dewasa ini. Kemajuan sains secara umum saat ini lebih didominasi oleh Bara…
Tulisan berikut ini menelaah urgensi dan signifikansi ayat-ayat mutasyabihat di dalam penafsiran Al Qur'an.Konsep muhkam dan mutasyabih merupakan salah satu isu kontroversial dalam bidang kajian-ka…
John Locke(1632-1704), the founder of modern empiricism, was an english philosopher who in his essay Concerning human understanding(1690) launched a massive broadside against the doctrine of innate…
Studi on the wars of apostasy shows that the meaning of riddah at Abu Bakr's reign has more extensive connotation. It was not only defined as the rejection of the former religion [Islam]. But also …
Isra'illiyat stories leaning to the sources of jews or christians, the Torah and the Gospel. He slipped into the books of tafsir, among others, because the stories are conveyed in the Qur'an is ver…