The research on the implementation of religious education was conducted at the SD Luar Biasa Part B [SD-LB B] Sidakarya Denpasar, Bali Province. The result of this study indicate that the religious…
The focus of this research is the impementation KTSP and factor thet suprort and hinder the implememtation of the MTs KTSP Malang 1. this reseacrh uses a qualitative approach with case studies. th…
The research on the implementation of religious education was conducted at the SD Luar Biasa Part B [SD-LB B] Sidakarya Denpasar, Bali Province. The result of this study indicate that the religious…
The research on the implementation of religious education was conducted at the SD Luar Biasa Part B [SD-LB B] Sidakarya Denpasar, Bali Province. The result of this study indicate that the religious…
This research was conducted at SMA Catholic Soverdi under umbrella of Catholic foundation in Badung district Bali Province. Focuses of this study are, implementation of religious education was seen…
The problem which are the subject of current research is how to implement curriculum management performed by Madrasah Diniyah Nurul Ummah [MDNU] and waht supporting and obstructing factors in impl…