NIM:A01206012. Bibliografi hlm.66-67.
Paper ini mendiskusikan kekuasaan, ideologi dan politik dalam karya-karya sastra. Tapi, semua pembahasan tidak disinggung di sini, melainkan hanya berkaitan dengan hubungan antara kekuasaan dan kar…
Studying of the problem unpowered at Taubah Mosque that residing in Dolly localization center Surabaya. The aims by using approach and method based on PAR [Participatory Action Research] in the fie…
The cultural variety of Indonesia can be said as the cause of the variety of traditional custom and daily behaviour, or vice or versa.People could say so.It depends on which one is said first.As Da…
Sundanese community which is distinguishable from the Sunda's core society and periferal society, have similarity in their world view towards the health cure problems seen from the cause and the he…