Tulisan ini menelaah tiga nalar gerakan purifikasi Muhammadiyah, yaitu pertama, gerakan kembali kepada al Qur'an dan al sunnah, kedua, gerakan tajdid, ijtihad dan non mazhab, ketiga, pemberantasan …
This paper tries to describe the debate on Islam and knowledge in contemporary Moslem thought regarding with two essential issues. Firstly, how to overcome the decline of knowledge in the Moslem so…
Family life in modern era indicated erosion of parent's role, responsibility, and care to educate teenager through their maturity.Therefore, maladaptive (antisocial) teenager act and behaviour that…
Gagasan islamisasi ilmu pengetahuansudah menjadi perbincangan sejak paruh pertama tahun 1980 an.Kendati demikian, kesalah pahaman terhadap gagasan itu masih sering trejadi.Ini tidak lepas dari mini…
This research utilities the non-parametric frontier approach.Data envelopment anysis [DEA].By using such an analysis, the purpose of this study is to analyze the regional development bank's [BPDs] …
Pergulatan pengetahuan dari dulu hingga kini tidak bisa lepas dari diskursus tentang magi, agama dan sains.Para antropolog mencoba melihat bagaimana perkembangan manusia berkaitan dengan sikap mere…
Teenager's deprivational maladaptif is caused by broken home or death parenting among others, or the worst condition's in some families. Most of the teenagers have very hard psychological burdened …
The adagium al muhafadhah 'ala al qadim al salih wa al akhdz bi al jadid al aslah is relevant to waht we called it turas and tajdid in Hassan Hanafi's thought. Hanafi, as other contemporery Islamic…