Christine Rubie-Davies.
The areas of conflict relating to the freedom of religion and women’s rights do not affect the majority of Muslims who practice their religion in Germany and, in the process, they do not clash wi…
The areas of conflict relating to the freedom of religion and women’s rights do not affect the majority of Muslims who practice their religion in Germany and, in the process, they do not clash wi…
Christine Morley, Phillip Ablett, Selma Macfarlane ; foreword by Jim Ife.
Area konflik yang berhubungan dengan kebebasan beragama dan hak hak perempuan tidak mempengaruhi mayoritas muslim yang melakukan ibadahnya di Jerman yang didalam prosesnya tidak bertentangan dengan…
This study provides a comparative analysis of seven cases of social entrepreneurship which have been recognized as successful in bringing significant positive changes in the social, political and e…
Judul Asli: Qualitative research methods in public relations and marketing communications, Bibliografi: 436-450 hlm.