Ponorogo College of Islamic Studies [SATIN] as an educational institution, in which the transfer of knowledge to society occurs, since the beginning seeks the realization of gender equality. To fin…
Perkawinan adalah suatu cara yang Allah tetapkan sebagai jalan bagi manusia untuk beranak, berkembang biak dan menjaga kelestarian hidupnya, setelah masing-masing pasangan siap melakukan peranannya…
The ability of using mother tongue has been possessed by every child. they can master the language without geeting specific education. In a short time a child has mastered the language the communic…
Learning language at the some time is also learning of communication skill, that why productive skill and repressive skill should be studied in the some portion. The main purpose of study language …
The ability of using mother tongue has been possessed by every child.They can master the language without getting specific education.In a short time a child has mastered the language to communicate…
Language learning deals with the concept of language truth, language teaching, language teacher, and language context.Sosiolinguistics is one of the applied linguistics which answer to the question…
Bibliografi hlm. 98-99.
Bibliografi hlm. 87-89.