The first year of college is a critical period experienced by new students to make adjustments academically, socially, and emotionally that will have an impact on academic success. The purpose of t…
Religiusitas menjadi unsur terpenting yang perlu dimiliki oleh manusia. Nilai-nilai yang terkandung dalam sikap religius ini membahas konsep kehidupan atau keagamaan perihal aturan yang rnengatur m…
Bibliografi hlm. 232.
Judul asli : The etnographic interview.
Although it was stated that nowadays is “the third wave”, the time for minority, included women, for taking part in so many public activities, it did not mean that women can do as they really w…
Performing Hajj pilgrimage to Mecca is the fifth pillar of Islam, whereas these five pillars of Islam are believed by all Muslims in the world as the foundation of Islam. Hajj is a must for any Mus…