Islam dan multikulturalisme : telaah hadis-hadis tentang relasi sosial antara Yahudi dan Islam /
Most Muslims' permanent negative perceptions of jews, or can be called Jewish-phobia, are againts multicultural attitude. The perception is supported by the religious texts, especially the traditions of the Prophet. This paper will look at the quality and quantity of the hadith which states the hostility of the Jews to the Prophet Mohammed and his Muslims followers and vise versa, and re interpret the meaning of these traditions with a contextual approach. From the discussion it was found that these hadiths narrated by Imam al Bukhariy are judged by the hadith scholars as valid [sahih]. Despite not achieving the degree of certainty, the traditions are strongly assumed to be authentic, especially if viewed from the common themes expressed in the hadiths. It was also found that the attitude of the prophet toward the jews reflects a multucultural attitude. Some of them are 1)the appreciation of the Prophet Mohammed for the Prophet Moses as a prophet of the Jews and the prohibition...ifa.
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