Ajaran Sarengat, Tarekat, Hakekat, and Makrifat Doctrines in Serat Jasmaningrat Manuscript
Sarengat, Tarekat, Hakekat and Makrifat doctrines in Serat Jasmaningrat manuscripts have changed to Ki Sarengat, Ki Tarekat, Ki Hakekat and Ki Makrifat. Ki Sarengat has followers Ki Duhur, Ki Asyar, Ki Magrib, Ki Isya and Ki Subuh. They are in Pangarukan with Minalwitri and Ngatalwitri. Ki Tarekat stays in Sokasana with his followers; they are Ki Badan, Ki Kalbu, Ki Osik, Ki Jiwa, Ki Pramana, Ki Budi, Ki Panrima, Ki Tapsila, and Ki Eling. Ki Hakekat is in Kamandungan with Ki Paninggal, Ki Pangucap, Ki Pangambu, Ki Pamiarsa, Ki Cipta and Ki Ripta. Ki Makrifat and Siti are in Bentar with the followers, Ki Nyawa, Ki Atma, Ki Sukma, Ki Cahya and also Ki Murcaya, Ki Langgeng and Ki Tokhid. Those four figures are told doing journey with their followers to head The Lord, but the journey has certain meanings. By this analysis study, the content of the manuscript that the journey of them is the reflection of Islamic tasawuf substantionally
Sma 20170396 | J 201.6 Sma | Perpustakaan A. Yani | Tersedia namun tidak untuk dipinjamkan - No Loan |
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