The outburst of information triggers the difficulty of information users to select and gain information which is appropriate with their necesscities. The users typically demand a prepared informati…
Perpustakaan digital adalah perpustakaan modern yang sudah menggunakan sistem otomasi dalam operasionalnya serta mempunyai koleksi bahan pustaka sebagian besar dalam bentuk format digital yang disi…
Knowledge sharing is an activity where individu share their konwledge to others during the implementation of knowledge managament in organisation. Through knowledge sharing all of the organisation'…
Recently, the phenomenon of the tutorial activities in mathematics class shown that the tutee still passive and just tended to accept tutor explanations. It made mathematics was considered as a dif…
The change of social structure is indicated by the change of family structure traditional family structure to modern one. Any kinds of family structure need its members knowledge, understanding, lo…
Mind-machine analogy under the name computational theory of mind [CTM] is, so far, the most promising way to understand mind thoroughly as computer. Only that conventional way of doing CTM is by ig…
In this paper we are concerned with elaborating the critiques of Ibn Jawzi againts the ulama of his time in his time in his Talbis Iblis. By the ulama Ibn Jawzi means the learned in any field of kn…
Aliran berita melalui media internet setiap harinya cenderung meningkat. Peningkatan jumlah informasi berita yang cukup besar dan kurang teratur dapat menimbulkan masalah yaitu sulitnya untuk diket…