Kemutakhiran sumber rujukan dalam karya tulis ilmiah (KTI) merupakan hal penting yang dipersyaratkan dalam penilaian angka kredit jabatan fungsional. Oleh karena itu, agar KTI mendapat nilai baik, …
Perpustakaan adalah institusi pengelola sumber informasi baik yang tercetak maupun yang terekam secara profesional dengan menggunakan sistem yang baku guna memenuhi kebutuhan pendidikan, penelitian…
Library of Research Center of Biotechnology Indonesian Institute of Sciences (PPPB-LIPI) has been existing for 34 years. The collection development and improve progress in biotechnology science tha…
This study preserves and analyzes the typology of the collective memory of the elders, regarding Bung Karno's events and thoughts. This study uses a qualitative approach of collective memory study …
Koleksi adalah sumber daya perpustakaan yang harus terus dikembangkan sesuai dengan kebutuhan pemustaka. Memahami nilai keterpakaian koleksi perpustakaan sangat penting dalam rangka meningkatkan ku…
The Covid-19 pandemic has made school libraries unable to provide their services, plus there is still a lack of school library programs to respond to the way of learning from offline to online. Eve…
Today's digital library is a necessity. A system that provides all-digital information and services requires that all aspects of it should be accessed effectively. In the context of information ret…
This study aims to determine information-seeking behavior and innovative behavior of final year students in compiling scientific papers (tesis, dissertation) at the Hasanuddin University Library (U…
Preservation of library materials or library collections is an effort made so that library materials can be used by future generations. This paper describes the "Malaysian" binding method used by t…