Banyak kalangan merasa yakin bahwa peran pendidikan dapat meningkatkan pertumbuhan ekonomi dan kesejahteraan masyarakat. Keyakinan itu didasari asumsi bahwa tingginya tingkat pendidikan seseorang, …
This article tries to explain the problem of basic needs of poor families in Cabean village Sawahan District Madiun Subdistrict.The problems around 1) what is the concept of basic need of poor fami…
The definition of poverty is considered in many points of view, as consequence, the definition, couses and measurement of poverty indicator are deferent. Fighting poverty can be realized by the dev…
The study aims at obtaining a desription of A. The historical background, vision and mission of NGO Dian Desa, B. The forms of low income society environment activities, C. The profile of Timbulhar…
Kajian yang bersifat kualitatif ini antara lain ingin melihat efektifitas program pendidikan kecakapan hidup sanggar kegiatan bersama Kab. Gresik dan bagaimana dampak ekonominya bagi orang miskin. …