Religious propagation in Islam becomes an activity that getting more attention from all of Muslims. It sits as a lead in development of Islam and as a prime mean for providing understanding within …
There are a number of religious guidance succeeded in building a good personality and character of Muslaim conducted by a group any particular religious stream. For instance, one of the groups is j…
The activities of Islamic mission should receive more attention from all Muslims, given the urgency and significance of it to the development and progression of Muslims in general. The existence of…
The series of religious nuanced turbulence on 17 january 2000 well known as 171 tragedy in Mataram can be considered great tragedy to the people of Lombok island, and all at once designated the exi…
Before appointed as Prophet, Muhammad was well known as a truthful trader. There is no record in history when he precisely terminated this activity. However it is clear that he was not a trader any…
Penelitian ini memfokuskan pada pengungkapan masalah ;a) perlunya melacak bagaimana gerakan fundamentalisme islam di kota Malang, perkembangannya dan pandangannya tentang dakwah; b)adanya beberapa …