Studi ini bertujuan menjelaskan peran staf akademik dan mahasiswa FKIP-UT dalam tutorial online.Studi dilakukan selama tiga masa registrasi melalui alamat email dan difokuskan kepada ativitas kegia…
The objective of this action research was to improve student's participation with an active learning approach in face to face tutorial process. This research involving UT's students registered in D…
This research aims at investigating learning independency of S1 students of PGSD in South Sulawesi in tutorial activity of basic statistic if they were taught by using structural approach; finding …
Online tutorial for post graduate Universitas Terbuka students is compulsory. However, data from the report on the online tutorial activities show that student participation rate was low. This arti…
Research on the level of apprehension and self efficacy of Universitas Terbuka's students to E-learning was aimed at investigating the level of apprehension and self efficacy to e-learning as well …
Evaluasi ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui manfaat bantuan belajar Tutorial Tatap Muka Rancangan Khusus [TTMRK] terhadap prestasi belajar mahasiswaprogram S1 PGSD FKIP-UT. Hasil evaluasi menunjukkan b…
Pada umumnya, ada 2 bentuk kegiatan tutorial yang dislnggarakan di SMP Terbuka, yaitu kegiatan tutorial yang bersifat konvensional (tatap muka) dan kegiatan tutorial yang memanfaatkan radio komun…