Artikel ini akan memaparkan kajian keislaman yang fenomenanya sering muncul dalam bentuk ritual Islam lokal dan tidak jarang dijadikan sebagai model kajian populer dalam pergulatan pemikiran yang s…
This article is devoted to discussing a process of translating Islam into the local terms of Indonesian culture. Taking Aroha" -the rituals practice of muslim in Haruku
Every method and approach in Islamic Studies currently available to us has weaknesses in looking at religious data. For that reason, efforts to find better and more integrative method are needed. O…
Background of this research is based on an empirical reality that part of Ponorogo society, especially warok class concludes to defend eastern tradition through explore traditional norm, namely rit…
In this article, the writer tries to analyze the contrast between modernity, religion and culture.Shortly, the contrast between religious teaching [Islam] taught by Ki Ageng Gribig, modernity and c…
Javanese people, usually called kejawen people, believe that all religions teach good values and spiritual purity to reach perfection in life.They train their spiritual life and inner sense to achi…