This research concludes that husband must inform to new wife about his marriage before. He ought to get permit from court in Pakistan and some parts of Malaysia country. Permit written from the fir…
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan perilaku pemeliharaan kesehatan gigi dan mulut terhadap status kesehatan gigi dan mulut siswa kelas VI SD dan III SMP di Kota Medan. Total sampel…
Every science has it own characteristic.So, a lecturer or a college student who wants to study science has to know which components there are in the science that he wants to study about.A man who w…
the problem that the role of women in islamic life is still discussed everywhere, especially in moslem community.It is caused by the different interpretation about the paradigm of community in uner…
Rendahnya pertumbuhan ekonomi akibat krisis ekonomi yang terjadimenyebabkan meningkatnya insiden kemiskinan di negara ini. Peningkatan insiden kemiskinan sangat mungkin berlangsung melalui kenaikan…
Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh pola asuh daninteraksi teman sebaya terhadap status identitas, kepercayaan eksistensial dan orientasi nilai budaya remaja Jawa. Model persamaan st…