The increase of people's prosperity and education creates a change in their view about education and the need towards it. Consequently, their choice of educational institutions becomes more selecti…
Kortney Hernandez.
In so far, articles portraying Balinese Hindu who settles in far away from Bali Island are less widely published. In recent development of Hinduism in Indonesia, Hindus community shows a dynamic pr…
Libraries are many stores various reference sources. Library became one of the places to study science. UGM Library has a data includes printed books, electronic books, print journals, online journ…
Keputusan Presiden Nomor 87 Tahun 1999 menyebutkan ada 101 rumpun jabatan fungsional pegawai negeri sipil (PNS) salah satunya adalah pustakawan. Pustakawan adalah seseorang yang memiliki kompetensi…
The religious counselor has an important role in society as an agent of the Ministry of Religious Affairs of Indonesia in transforming community. However, in the reality, as a community motivator, …