The main objective of this paper is to explore the hermeneutical method of Muhammad Shahrour in his interpretation of the holy Qur'an. Shahrour the Syrian scholar is known for his view that each an…
This paper examines the nature of economic principle in Islam. Two types of economic principles are identified. The first type refers to the economic laws derived from revelation based sources name…
The sunnah is a divine revelation and instruction both in its meaning and contents save that its literary pronunciation and form is said by the messenger of Allah [saw] himself. The Sunnah is taken…
Gagasan islamisasi ilmu pengetahuansudah menjadi perbincangan sejak paruh pertama tahun 1980 an.Kendati demikian, kesalah pahaman terhadap gagasan itu masih sering trejadi.Ini tidak lepas dari mini…