The result of research shows that the new nadliyin group have produced a new discourse that is different from discoursed by old nadliyin group. The new discourses consists of various religious, soc…
As one traditional Islamic educational institusion growing since the era of coming of Islam into Indonesia, Pesantren has played immeasurable significant role in this society. Beside its function a…
This article will explore the Seyyed Husein Nasr's thought on Islamic traditionalism to evercome modernism crisis. The main source of internal Islam [batiniyyah] is sufism. This dimension not only …
Tulisan ini hendak memberikan pesan bahwa fiqh, baik sebagai kumpulan materi hukum Islam ataupun sebagai ilmu [usul al fiqh], merupakan produk pemikiran yang menyejarah dan karenanya qabil li al ta…
Tulisan ini hendak memberikan pesan bahwa fiqh, baik sebagai kumpulan materi hukum Islam ataupun sebagai ilmu [usul al fiqh], merupakan produk pemikiran yang menyejarah dan karenanya qabil li al ta…
The long discussion in the history charasteristic between ahl-al isbat and nufat al shifat ending with cliam of truth that they theological view based on rational argument [adillah 'aqliyyah qath'i…