This article is the result of research on face to face tutorial services for students participating in distance education programs. The research was conducted during the months April to June 2009 i…
Artikel ini ditulis berdasarkan hasil penelitian tentang faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kualitas tutorial program S1 PGSD di UPBJJ-UT Pangkal Pinang. Faktor-faktor tersebut meliputi: 1)persiapan t…
This article is the result of research on face to face tutorial services for students participating in distance education programs. The research was conducted during the months April to June 2009 i…
Artikel ini memaparkan hasil penelitian tentang efektivitas mata kuliah materi dan pembelajaran IPS SD dan penerapannya pada pembelajaran IPS di SD.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa mata kuliah ma…
This article is written based on the research about tutorial. The research is aimed to uncover student's perception of the effectiveness of face to face tutorial with semi block system conducted in…
Learning support system is essential for students learning at a distance. It is believed taht the qualities of learning support will greatly influence the total number of students. This article des…
E-Learning adalah sekumpulan informasi pembelajaran yang tersedia setiap waktu dan setiap saat yang disampaikan melalui media elektronik. E-Learning dapat berbentuk web-based learning, computer bas…
This study collected and concluded information in the learning strategy applied by the student of the equivalent program of diploma II for elementary teacher education indonesian open learning univ…