This article is trying to elaborate Arkoun's thought on the applied islamology, which is an effort to evaluate, develop and activate some deficiencies of Western traditional islamology. In Arkoun's…
In this context, postmodernism implies positive and negative side. The positive side on postmodernism is that it enliven tradition of autenthic dialoque, however, the negative side has arisen relat…
Ketidak puasan terhadap cara kerja filsafat dalam memahami realitas telah melahirkan kouter critic dari kalangan para filusuf sendiri, salah satunya adalah filsuf Prancis kenamaan Jacques Derrida y…
The interpretation method held so far by the ulemas is viewed incapable of responding human's problems in this era. On the contrary, hermeneutics is seen as an appropriate method to understand the …
Diskursus fikih sudah bergulir sekian lama, bahkan sudah melampaui hitungan millenium, hingga mengisyaratkan kesan termapankannya konsep-konsep fikih yang sudah sekian lama bercokol dalam blantika …