The article attempts to reveal al Hallaj's history of thought that caused his death as he was considered an apostate who violated religious boundaries. On several occasions, moreover, al Hallaj was…
The term of good and bad is the concept value to measure one activity of human being
Human development Index [HDI] ia s composite indicator which is linked to several variables. This indicator can be beneficial to good use if the comparison is done across times and across regions, …
Vygotsky memiliki pandangan tersendiri mengenai aktivitas main bagi anak-anak pra-sekolah. Main bukan saja aktivitas yang dilakukan tanpa tujuan, akan tetapi main merupakan media bagi anak untuk be…
Pendekatan Pembelajaran Beyond Centre Circle Time disingkat (BCCT) merupakan pendekatan pendidikan anak usia dini (PAUD) yang berfokus pada anak dengan proses pembelajaran menggunakan 4 pijakan (sc…