Bangsa Indonesia sering menyebut negerinya sebagai sebuah masyarakat yang majemuk [plural], disebabkan hampir semua agama, khususnya agama-agama yang besar, seperti Agama Islam, Kristen, Hindu dan …
Islam menampakkan karakteristiknya sebagai agama yang sarat dengan pembelaannyaterhadap unsur-unsur kemanusiaan. Secara historis, nilai-nilai tersebut dieksperimentasikan dalam kehidupan sejak awal…
The issue of pluralism which has emerged at the West has been spreading into Muslim World. Unfortunately, by some modernist scholars such issue is regarded as something taken for granted and theref…
M. Quraish Shihab is one of the most popular Qur'anic interpreters in Indonesia. Among his contribution is his elucidation in his al Mishbah on a clear acknowledgement of religious plurality in the…
The issue of pluralism which has emerged at the West has been spreading into Muslim World. Unfortunately, by some modernist scholars such issue is regarded as something taken for granted and theref…