The construction of Hamka?s sufistic thought is significant for the world today, not only to reform Islamic thought but also to reconstruct modern spirituality. Modern society is now trapped by rat…
Penelitian ini dilakukan di Kecamatan Pulung Ponorogo guna mengetahui model pengembangan merangkai spirit harmoni kehidupan sosial keagamaan melalui KPM Tematik Posdaya berbasis masjid. Hasil pen…
Melalui tulisan ini, penulis mengangkat tentang problem penafsiran al Qur'an. Sebagai bahasa agama, kitab suci umat Islam yang sama dengan kitab-kitab suci agama lain yang juga bersifat wahyu memil…
In the book titled Speaking in Gods name: Islamic Law, Authority, and Woman that has been translated by serambi press with the Indonesian version title Atas Nama Tuhan: dari Fikih Otoriter le Fikih…
This article tries to elaborate the attempt of selecting and combining several methods have been offered by the muslim intellectuals for overcoming problems of law. Despite the fact that some intle…
talking about Islam, must be talking about Islamic law. Why? Because Islamic law is a important and significance segmen of Islam. Nobody can understand Islamic perfectly without undestanding about …
The article describes the interplay and the interaction between modernity and sosio cultural conditions of moslem society in the world. Modernity has been colapping as suggested by T.S. Eliot that …
The research problems are the Jember society's perception and hope toward the role and the contribution of pondok pesantren in human resources development, the degree of positional allocation of pp…
Diskursus fikih sudah bergulir sekian lama, bahkan sudah melampaui hitungan millenium, hingga mengisyaratkan kesan termapankannya konsep-konsep fikih yang sudah sekian lama bercokol dalam blantika …